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看中国 ——《绿云深处》 Sculptor Family


时长/Video length:11‘03’

因竹雕结缘的蒋昌志、唐红霞夫妇,在父亲唐其能带领下,在竹雕非遗传承的路上相濡以沫 16 年,传承、发扬竹雕这一中华传统技艺。父亲唐其能是竹雕大师,87岁高龄依然对竹雕技艺痴迷如初。老父亲戴着老花眼镜,手拿刻刀专心细致雕刻着一条条线条、 一道道竹纹,老母亲在一旁安静地看着他, 偶尔打打下手,处理一下表面的竹青。女婿蒋昌志和女儿唐红霞,准备动手创作一件新的作品,一边在纸上画样稿,一边交流讨论。一家人以中华传统技艺竹雕为纽带,父慈子孝,温馨和睦,其乐融融。

The couple, Jiang Changzhi and Tang Hongxia, who were related to bamboo carving, under the leadership of their father Tang Qineng, have spent 16 years on the path of non-inheritance of bamboo carving, inheriting and carrying forward the traditional Chinese skill of bamboo carving. His father, Tang Qineng, is a master of bamboo carving. He is still obsessed with bamboo carving skills at the age of 87. The old father was wearing presbyopic glasses, and he took a carving knife in his hand to sculpt the lines and bamboo patterns carefully. The old mother watched him quietly, and occasionally beat his hands to deal with the bamboo green on the surface. Son-in-law Jiang Changzhi and daughter Tang Hongxia are preparing to create a new work by hand, while discussing and drawing samples on paper. The family uses the traditional Chinese bamboo carving technique as a bond. The father is kind to the son and the son is filial, warm and harmonious, and enjoyable.

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