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看中国 ——《鼓韵关东 The way of the shaman drum》

导演:Joao meirinhos

Until at least the eighteenth century, shamanism was at the core of Manchu spiritual life and differentiated Manchus from other Chinese ethnic groups. Mr. Yunde Guan is one of the only heirs to the Chinese shamanic drum-making. He followed his father to learn the drum production, and followed his mother and aunt to learn the art of Shaman paper cutting more than 50 years ago. He devoted his personal income to the inheritance of Manchu culture and established the Guan Yunde Manchu folk custom museum located in the Liu village near Changchun City. Yunde Guan’s dedication to preserving his cultural heritage is heart warming. “The way of the shaman drum” follows his life during the production of one of his special drums until it’s able to be played and travel around the world through the lens of a foreigner director passionate about shamanism and its contemporary repercussions in the global village.

直到18世纪以前, 萨满文化一直作为满族人民精神生活并且将满族与其他民族区分开来。关云德先生是传承了中国萨满鼓制作技艺的为数不多的人之一。五十余年前,他师承父业学习了萨满鼓的制作技艺,并从母亲与姨母那边学习了萨满剪纸与绘画技艺。 他捐献了个人收入用于对满族文化的保护,并建设了关云德满族民俗文化博物馆。博物馆坐落于长春市附近的刘村。 关云德保护文化遗产的献身精神是令人心生温暖的。 “鼓韵关东”通过关云德先生制作一种特殊的鼓并使其最终发声的过程,以及通过一个环游世界去了解萨满文化及其对当代的影响的外国导演的视角,讲述了关云德先生的一生。

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