导演:Aloyscious Phua Jia Hao
“Keeping History Alive” is a documentary that revolves around the life of Grave-Keeper Liu Yu Lin, who dedicated 25 years of his life building the museum to its full glory, protecting and preserving the Miner’s Grave in Liao Yuan, China. The Miner’s Grave is a museum that holds the remains of Chinese miners who suffered terrible deaths due to poor treatment from the Japanese soldiers during the Japanese Occupation. The documentary is segmented into four parts – In the beginning, sacrifice, inheritance and promise, presenting to the audience not just the history of the place, but also Liu’s contribution and obstacles in building the museum. Watch how Liu struggles to overcome difficulties to make one of the most tragic histories known to others.
未经允许不得转载:城市新闻网icitynews » 看中国 ——《一代传承 Keeping History Alive》