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看中国 ——《永泰羊倌 The Shepherd of Yongtai》

导演:Luke Isaiah Gene Catena

This film follows Yu Xizhong. He is a Shepherd at Yongtai Village in Jingtai County. Through his eyes we learn about the history of the town, and what it takes to be a Shepherd there. When I arrived to Yongtai, It was clear that the lives of the people who live there don’t even remotely resemble my own. I was given an up close look at their world, and my intention was to show exactly that. I did not wish to persuade anyone or inject my own opinion in the film. I simply wanted to show a foreign culture as it was shown to me.

这部电影主要拍摄人物是余希忠,他是景泰县永泰村的一个羊倌。通过他的眼睛我们看到了这个古城的历史,以及做为一个羊倌在这里需要做些什么。当我到达永泰村时,很明显发现住在那里的人的生活和我的生活完全不一样。我得到了一个近距离了解他们生活的世界的机会,并而我的任务就是去呈现这个完全不同的世界。我不想通过这部影片来说服任何人, 也不愿意在这部影片中表达自己的观点。我只是想展示一个呈现于我眼中的外国文化。

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