导演:Dénes Szabó
Like two eggs is a documentary directed and narrated by Dénes Szabó from Hungry, who once dreamed of being a painter. The short documentary is a portrait of the Duo Yun Xuan company, and its famous watercolor woodblock printing technique. The traditional Watercolor Woodblock Printing originated from Chinese traditional woodblock printing. Duo Yun Xuan has carried on this handcraft art since its foundation in 1900. Watercolor Woodblock Printing of Duo Yun Xuan was listed as the State Intangible Cultural Heritage by the State Council in 2008. The inheritor Master Lin, tracer Yao Yuyin, carver Chen Jiafu ,printer Song Huan will show us the beauty of the traditional technique and the core of the traditional culture.
《水木印年华》是一部由来自匈牙利的Dénes Szabó执导并担任旁白的纪录片。这部短片走近朵云轩公司,记录了其中著名的传统木版水印技艺。传统的木版水印技艺源于中国古老的雕版印刷术。朵云轩自1900年创立之日起,就传承了木版水印这一传统手工技艺。2008年,朵云轩木版水印被国务院认定为国家级非物质文化遗产。省级传承人林雨晴、勾描师姚雨吟、雕版师陈佳傅、水印师宋欢将带领我们共同领略传统技艺的美,一起接近传统文化的内核。
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