看中国 ——《稻路》

导演/Director:Nikola Berzenji

时长/Video length:9 58

工业发展的机器时代,仍有人愿意为传统的裹蒸的制作技艺,与那份独属家的温馨而执着坚守。本部纪录片中,导演Nikola Berzenji将从稻田中探寻裹蒸雏形,于市井内了解手艺现状,近距离感受裹蒸背后所承载的乡土人文风情。
In the age of industrial economy, there are still some craftsmen who are willing to carry on the craft of Guozheng. In this film, the director Nikola Berzenji will be getting close to Guozheng, taste the delicacy and also explore the culture behind the food.

未经允许不得转载:城市新闻网icitynews » 看中国 ——《稻路》

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