导演:Raynor Bloom
In the heart of the idyllic countryside of Dongfeng lies Wenfu Farm, the enormous provider of Maji Antlers. Yang Yanbao is the 4th generation to produce these antlers, and has helped the farm grow far bigger than many others. Yet Wenfu farm is unique in killing no for produce. Initially entering into the industry to make money, Yanbao now not only farms them but also spends his free time playing with the deer and making sure they are happy. However, with times changing and many young people wanting to work in the cities, is deer farming still a viable industry? Antlers continue to be a popular form of medicine in China, but more people are needed to work on the farms. Taking a look at how the farm operates on a day-to-day basis, this film explores the hard work and satisfaction that comes with raising deer.
文福鹿场坐落于东丰县美丽的田野之中,“马记鹿茸”的第四代传人——养鹿人杨彦宝在这里与鹿度过了人生大半的时光。杨彦宝坚决不通过宰杀的方式获得经济效益,他的努力与坚守使得文福鹿场成为当地规模最大、产量质量双优的民间鹿场。尽管选择成为养鹿人的初衷是为了养活自己,但现在的杨彦宝并非是机械地完成自己的工作。三十余年的相处,他爱上了在闲暇时间与鹿互相陪伴的感觉。 随着时代的变化,鹿茸在中药里的地位依旧举足轻重,养鹿这项技艺需要更多的人来将它传承下去,可越来越多的年轻人却纷纷去到大城市发展,那么养鹿业的的未来在哪里? 这部影片带领观众了解养鹿人杨彦宝的生活,探析他如何从艰苦的工作中、如何从与鹿相伴的时光中获得人生的满足感。
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