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看中国 ——《青出于蓝 The Only Man》

导演:Anita Reza Zein

Since ancient times, Guizhou people advocate the idea of “nature and human are one unity”, which effect their production mode and lifestyle deeply. Especially for the Buoyi people in Guizhou, and they still use a unique way for dyeing cloth, and it was named Anshun batik. One thing should be mentioned that Anshun batik uses natural materials to dye cloth, which is eco-friendly and traditional. Nowadays, the Anshun batik is becoming the symbol of Guizhou culture.

贵州自古以来崇尚“天人合一”的理念,这在生产、生活中均有着广泛而深刻的体现,人们深深热爱着这片土地,栽靛植棉、纺纱织 布、画蜡挑秀、浸染剪栽,布依族人仍旧采用着纯天然、环保的蓝靛来制作衣物,远古的智慧得以代代流传 。

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